Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Role of the Police in Society Research Paper

The Role of the Police in Society - Research Paper Example is such that it undertakes all these tasks and many more so that the people at large are not unduly made to suffer and be on the receiving end at any moment in time (Garland, 2011). Proper understanding of the role of the police has made the people of America know that it exists to satisfy their concerns and to make sure that the relevant authorities are doing their jobs in a proper and adequate way. What is even more important is the fact that the role of the police has been expounded upon by these very authorities on a consistent basis so that the people know beforehand what to expect of them, and how these shall provide value for the sake of the community members. This discussion will now focus on the different styles of policing which are in use. These include the three different styles, namely the watchman, the legalistic and the service perspectives. Since the work of the police is broad in the basic sense of the word, and they have limited resources available at their disposal , the role of the police administrators and authorities are geared to develop certain policies which are there to prioritize and emphasize upon these activities and tasks in essence. The watchman style of policing focuses upon the maintenance of order which is found in different communities which have a declining industrial basis as well as a blue-collar and mixed population based on ethnicity and race (Mackenzie, 2011). This watchman form of policing is less proactive than the other two styles where one can see that certain offenses are overlooked when it comes to a mix of legal, cultural and social grounds. This is so done so as to make sure that the public order element is under wraps and that there are no predicaments in the light of the same. The charges of discrimination are a direct... This paper approves that the values of a community might just get affected by the style and role of policing for the sake of that community. This is because if a community is looking forward to receiving a service form of policing, then the service style is suited for its own needs. However if there are a large number of arrests due to law and order issues, then the aspect of legalistic policing might just do the trick. This is important to ascertain what kind of policing would in essence play the bridge between the people and the police authorities at the end of the day. Once such understandings are reached upon, then only can one devise the ways and means through which policing can be studied and its different styles are implemented and executed in the most literal sense. It is also possible that all three styles of policing – watchman, legalistic and service are being used in combination with one another. Police works to good effect to service the people against the intrude rs entering into the community. This report makes a conclusion that the role of policing is such that it brings wellness and serenity within the society. In order to be termed as a success within the community domains, it is imperative to think of policing in the light that it should be serviced for the sake of the people at large. All said and done, policing is any society of the world is indeed one of the most important elements and should be given due priority as it sets things right no matter how tough the circumstances are.

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